Sunday, November 6, 2011

"As Advertised"

I thought this would be something really interesting to do. Usually after 12am, lots of channels advertise these certain products, known as "As Seen On TV". These commercials are known to be infomercials. When we're channel surfing at night, trying to find a show we can watch, we would usually stop and watch an infomercial. In this documentary, they mention the 4 most popular infomercials on television:

Slap Chop



Loud 'n Clear.

After watching these infomercials, they persuade you to purchase their product. What was advertised, didn't work in real life when people have these products in their hands. In my opinion, everyone wants to have a product to "make their lives easier". To be honest, I wouldn't fall into their traps. As a smart consumer, I would like to see the product and be able to test it before I can purchase it. I would also do a little research about the product to further my knowledge and to see whether or not this would be the right product to buy or if there's a better one. Don't fall into their traps!

For more information:

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